Marek Kwiatkowski w El-Stacji podczas audycji 'We wtorek, wieczorową porą…’ zaprezentował album 'moogius strip’ – link do do zapisu audycji.
Album 'moogius strip’
- moogius strip [8:40]
- daybreak of nothingness [5:53]
- intake of matter [6:49]
- spindle of weightless [6:56]
- magnetic hurricane [10:03]
- strangeness trap [9:16]
- reality’s iridescence [4:21]
- not a hermetic destiny [6:16]
- dormant of boundlessness [9:04]
- anaerobic night draught [3:05]
- or no [7:04]
TdWS 19/05/2020
© Copyright by Piotr Lenart (el_vis), 2020.